Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Version 1.6 AI Released!

Click Your Pen version 1.6 AI has just been released! There are many balances, changes, improvements and tweaks, not to mention a fully-functional AI system. Bots can do almost anything humans can, but may not be too good at dodging the Teacher.

Please let me know how they perform, I am keen to know.
Check the "Changelogs" page for all the details.
Download the map from the "Downloads" page.

Have fun and happy clicking!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Version 1.6

I have just begun work on the next version, 1.6. A new major feature will be bots! There are also smaller bug fixes. I may include new students and some other new features, depending on how the AI development goes. Let me know if you would like to see anything specific!